VarroMed is a liquid medication designed specifically for Varroa treatment in beehives. It's composed of dihydrate oxalic acid and formic acid in dispersion, allowing for an effective and tailored application based on the colony's population.
How to Use:
· Spray VarroMed directly onto the bees in the brood chamber.
· Adjust the dose according to the hive size.
· Use VarroMed as a core part of a Varroa control program.
· Apply the treatment in the late evening or at night.
· Conduct a Varroa count 6 days after application.
· Depending on the season, additional applications may be required.
Recommended Dosage:
Tailor the amount of VarroMed based on the colony size:
· 5,000 - 7,000 bees: 15 ml
· 7,000 - 12,000 bees: 15 - 30 ml
· 12,000 - 30,000 bees: 30 - 45 ml
· Over 30,000 bees: 45 ml
When to Use:
Spring: To treat Varroasis early in the season.
Late summer/fall: To manage critical mite levels.
Winter: For a single effective treatment.
VarroMed has been validated through extensive field trials in Europe, proving its efficacy in different climatic conditions.
Restrictions and Marketing:
VarroMed does NOT require a veterinary prescription.
La Tienda del Apicultor SLU is an authorized entity (No. V-48-VC) for retail veterinary medication sales. More information under the tab "Medication Information".
Data sheet
Specific References