Api-Bioxal is an oxalic acid-based treatment against Varroa mite. It can be applied either via the dribble or sublimation method.
PLEASE NOTE: We are only allowed to sell medicines to beekeepers registered in Spain.
The 35g package can treat 10 colonies using the dribble method and 15 colonies using the sublimation method.
The 175g package can treat 50 colonies using the dribble method and 76 colonies using the sublimation method.
The 350g package can treat 100 colonies using the dribble method and 152 colonies using the sublimation method.
Instructions for the dribbling method:
Dissolve oxalic acid in hot water, then add sugar. Dribble 5ml of the syrup/oxalic solution onto the bees in each occupied bee space with a syringe or an applicator. Maximum dose: 50ml per colony.
Instructions for the sublimation method:
Warning: Use protective mask, gloves, and glasses, and long sleeves when mixing and applying oxalic acid.
Data sheet
Para que Api-bioxal sea efectivo debe usarse en ausencia total de cría operculada. La época del año ideal será cuando las colmenas cumplan ese requisito, es verdad que en la mayor parte de la geografía española en ninguna época del año se cumple esa norma obligada, así pues se deberá recurrir a un manejo específico para conseguir que esas colmenas no tengan cría operculada, por ejemplo, enjaulando reinas, método OSMA, método 10,15, 20, cuadro técnico, etc.
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