A formic acid-based varroa mite treatment medicine. Each box comes with 10 sachets, each with 2 medicated strips, to treat 10 hives.
Product Description:
Formicpro is an effective medication for the treatment of varroosis, a parasitic disease in bees caused by the Varroa destructor mite. Each box comes with 10 sachets, each with 2 strips of medication.
Each hive strip contains 68.2g of formic acid, the active substance of the product.
Indications for use:
Treatment against varroa caused by Varroa destructor in bees (Apis mellifera).
Do not use in daytime temperatures outside the range of 10 - 29.5 °C.
Do not use for the treatment of colonies of fewer than 10,000 bees.
1 sachet (i.e., 2 strips) per hive for 7 days.
Allow at least one month between applications.
Adverse reactions:
In rare cases, higher mortality of adult bees, brood mortality, and/or loss of queens have been observed.
Secondary signs may include bee flight, reduction in reproduction, and/or total loss of the colony.
Special storage precautions:
Keep out of sight and reach of children.
Store in the original packaging.
Protect from direct sunlight.
Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place.
Withdrawal period:
Honey: zero days.
Honey supers must be removed from the hive before applying the veterinary medicinal product.
Please read the complete instructions before use to ensure that the product is administered correctly. Medication subject to veterinary prescription. Administration under the control or supervision of a veterinarian.
Data sheet
A formic acid-based varroa mite treatment medicine. Each box comes with 10 sachets, each with 2 medicated strips, to treat 10 hives.
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