Oswald Hain manual honey loosener made entirely of stainless steel. Can also be used as an uncapping machine for all types of honey. It is ideal for pricking frames of dense honeys, which do not come out easily by extraction.
Crafted with German engineering precision and made from high-quality stainless steel, this manual honey loosener is essential equipment for beekeepers handling dense and viscous honey types. Designed by the renowned brand Swienty, this tool is perfect for preparing honey frames for efficient extraction.
Superior Functionality:
The loosener features two perforated plates equipped with over 1500 pins each, mounted on special springs that allow for effective emulsification without damaging the honeycomb cells. This setup ensures that every honey cell is delicately worked, even with thicker varieties such as heather, calluna, or heather honey.
Ergonomic and Practical Design:
Its manual handling system is straightforward: place the frame between the needle plates and operate the lever. Each lever movement subtly adjusts the frames, ensuring all cells are uniformly treated. The machine accommodates frames up to 442 mm x 270 mm, including Dadant and Langstroth models.
Durable Construction:
The entirely stainless steel structure ensures durability and easy cleaning. The pins, supported by springs, are designed to withstand impacts with hardened pollen particles or wooden frames, thus extending the equipment’s lifespan.
Technical Specifications:
Ideal for both uncapping and preparing frames for extraction, this honey loosener is a versatile and effective tool in handling all types of honey, ensuring a smoother and more productive extraction process.
Technical data:
Oswald Hain manual honey loosener made entirely of stainless steel. Can also be used as an uncapping machine for all types of honey. It is ideal for pricking frames of dense honeys, which do not come out easily by extraction.