- Made in 🇫🇷

Pallet For 1 Beehive or 1 honey drum/barrell (PAL440X530 - Beige) Outside size 440 x 530 x 155 mm
Technical specifications :
Lateral stops and antislipping notches.
Pallet height 150 mm + Lateral stops height 5 mm. Pitch of stacking of 55 mm to saving in space.
Positioning with center pins Ø 9 mm : with several prepercied wholes Ø 10 mm on pallet and under the bottom board and the harvest plate, you may position bottom board and center harvest plate in 2 front points (harvest plate : use the nearest wholes of center of the pallet).
Fastening : with prepercied wholes, you may fasten in 4 points bottom board and harvest plate on the pallet with 4 truss-head screws Ø 4 x 15 mm.
Alternate superposition is possible with locations on legs to fasten the ones pallets on the others with center pins Ø 16 mm (place them on the 8 legs). You may superpose pallets on 2 levels, 3 levels...
Use of pallet for 1 tank: tank must be perfectly centered on the pallet. If not, place a 12 mm plywood plate on the pallet.
Manipulation of pallet during honey chamber harvest : pallet must be carry on its extremities. Place adjustable forks to obtain maximum external spacing, or add expander sheaths on forks.
Extralight: 1,3 Kg / PAL440X530.
Extrasmooth: no mould can stick.
To avoid warping, you must ALWAYS STOCK FLAT pieces.
Pallet For 1 Beehive or 1 honey drum/barrell (PAL440X530 - Beige) Outside size 440 x 530 x 155 mm