The Bee Smoker is an indispensable device for handling bees.
This model has not changed since its invention. It is made of galvanized sheet metal with protection grid to avoid burns when grabbed. Practical, functional and economical, with the quality/price ratio. It has a height of 28cm and a diameter of 10cm. The best choice to start with!
Smoke is a beekeeper's best friend and helps you protect yourself from the bees in two main ways. Bees communicate mostly through smell, they realease pheromones that send messages to each other. When you spray smoke into the hive, you are essentially removing the ability for them to communicate. This confuses the bees and makes it easier to manipulate them. The smoke also tricks the bees into thinking their hive is on fire. When bees are threatened by fire, they retreat into the hive and eat as much honey as possible. When the are full, they try and fly away to find a new home.