Royal Jelly

Revitalize your well-being with our pure bee royal jelly, a natural superfood packed with essential nutrients for your energy and health.

Discover the Powerful Benefits of Royal Jelly

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Fresh royal jelly 20g Royal Jelly

Fresh royal jelly 20g

Price 7 .7
Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg Royal Jelly

Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg

Price 75 €
Jalea Real Fresca ECOLÓGICA 1KG Royal Jelly

Jalea Real Fresca ECOLÓGICA 1KG

Price 90 €
  • Bio
Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg Premium 10-HDA 2% Royal Jelly

Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg Premium 10-HDA 2%

Price 87 .5
  • Top quality
Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly

At La Tienda del Apicultor, we understand that as a beekeeper, you need precise, technical, and relevant information about Royal Jelly. We won't call it a "miracle food"; instead, we offer practical insights that add real value to your beekeeping activity and to your customers.

Royal Jelly is a natural secretion produced by the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of young nurse bees. It serves as nourishment exclusively for newly hatched larvae and especially for the queen bee throughout her entire life. Did you know that thanks to Royal Jelly, a queen bee can live up to five years, while worker bees only live about six weeks? This unique biological fact highlights the exceptional nutritional and functional qualities of Royal Jelly, making it highly valued in both beekeeping and human nutrition.

What defines high-quality Royal Jelly?

The primary quality indicator for Royal Jelly is its concentration of 10-Hydroxy-2-Decenoic Acid (10-HDA). This unsaturated fatty acid is unique to Royal Jelly and serves as a key benchmark for assessing its purity and biological potency. Commercially high-quality Royal Jelly typically has a 10-HDA concentration above 1.5%, with products reaching or exceeding 2% being especially valued.

Additionally, high-quality Royal Jelly should:

  • Be fresh or correctly preserved through lyophilization (freeze-drying), maintaining all vitamins (particularly B-group vitamins), minerals, essential amino acids, and proteins intact.
  • Come from sustainable and eco-friendly beekeeping practices, minimizing unnecessary stress on bees during extraction.
  • Have traceable origins, ensuring consumers can verify the product's source and quality standards.

Technical formats tailored to your professional needs

  • Fresh Royal Jelly 20g: Ideal for small-scale operations or those new to direct marketing, allowing you to maintain product freshness.
  • Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg: The professional standard size, perfect for beekeepers who wish to package it in smaller units for direct sale or distribution in specialty stores.
  • Organic Fresh Royal Jelly 1kg: Designed for beekeepers committed to organic practices, ideal for supplying discerning consumers who prioritize sustainable production.
  • Organic Lyophilized (freeze-dried) Royal Jelly 1kg: Suitable for extended storage without losing beneficial properties, simplifying handling and logistics.
  • Premium Fresh Royal Jelly (10-HDA 2%) 1kg: Targeted at the specialized market of nutritional supplements and natural products, this high-concentration option significantly differentiates itself in quality and health benefits.

Offering Royal Jelly to your customers is not just about diversifying your catalog; it's about providing a product of exceptional nutritional and commercial value. This allows you to strengthen your relationship with health-conscious consumers who seek natural, sustainable, and responsibly-produced products.

In short, this category provides beekeepers with technical, practical, and precise information regarding Royal Jelly production, preservation, and commercialization, helping you to stand out in an increasingly demanding market.