Crystalline fructose from beet. It is a source of sugar (monosaccharide) that is present in honey and is used in beekeeping for the production of feed for the bee. It is a raw material of first quality as a source of carbohydrates of good assimilation for the bee. Available in 25kg bags. 25kg<p>Crystalline fructose from beet. It is a source of sugar (monosaccharide) that is present in honey and is used in beekeeping for the production of feed for the bee. It is a raw material of first quality as a source of carbohydrates of good assimilation for the bee. Available in 25kg bags.</p>
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Crystalline fructose from beet. It is a source of sugar (monosaccharide) that is present in honey and is used in beekeeping for the production of feed for the bee. It is a raw material of first quality as a source of carbohydrates of good assimilation for the bee. Available in 25kg bags.