APINUCLEO Plus is a powdered product that provides proteins (23%), fat (8%), vitamins (B and C) and monosaccharides (34%), specially formulated for beekeeping with optimum micronization for the consumption of bees. Non-transgenic product (NO GMO).
It is an ideal product to make protein foods for bees as pollen subs patties or even feed in directly in dry. To make patties it should be mixed with glucose syrup and other ingredients to taste. In other words, it is an all-in-one solution. There is lecithin inside, which makes it emulsify better and the mixture is much more homogeneous. Comes in 5kg bag.
Many recipes can be made, according to convenience or taste. In our blog you will find different recommendations according to the desired texture and for each season of the year. The recommended one is: APINUCLEUS PLUS®. 25% FRUCTOMIX or MELIOSE or Glucose Syrup 3:1 50% DEXTROSE 25% Example of a practical recipe: Fructomix carafe (24kg) 2 Sacks of Apinúcleo Plus (5kg) 2 Sacks of Dextrose (5kg)
APINUCLEO Plus is a powdered product that provides proteins (23%), fat (8%), vitamins (B and C) and monosaccharides (34%), specially formulated for beekeeping with optimum micronization for the consumption of bees. Non-transgenic product (NO GMO).