The Carricell portable incubator is ideal for transporting queen cells from 6 to 10 days. Strong yet lightweight and easy to use. It works at 12 volts. Available in three models with different capacity for 40, 70 or 144 queen cells in a protective foam tray.
Manufactured in New Zealand by John Dobson, the renowned Carricell incubator is widely used by queen breeders around the world.
40 queen cells
70 queen cells
144 queen cells
kit content
Each unit comes complete with a foam tray, flex cable, accessory plug, and digital strip thermometer.
Queen Cells are inserted into a protective foam tray (included).
Power and consumption
It works at 12-24 volts and can be plugged into the car's universal cigarette lighter socket. It can also be connected to a battery or transformer for use on the mains.
For connection to a transformer, the output voltage must be between 12 and 24 volts. Connect the output to the accessory socket using the supplied connector. The transformer rating must be 50 volts, amps or more. Before making any connections to the battery charger or transformer, make sure the power is off.
The Carricell's power draw is minimal, drawing only 1.8 amps intermittently. It is polarity protected, so the unit can be used in vehicles with positive and negative ground batteries.
User manual:
The first thing will be to connect to a power source. Once we plug in the device, the indicator light on the left will come on. The light on the right shows that the heating is working and it will stop when it reaches the indoor temperature between 32-34°C. Thanks to its digital electronic regulator, it ensures a constant temperature between 32 - 34°C measured through the thermometer installed under the foam tray.
Once the correct temperature is reached, you can put the queen cells in the foam tray inside the incubator. When the incubator is unplugged, the beekeeper must ensure that the queen cells are not exposed to sudden changes in temperature.
When Carricell is unplugged, make sure the cells are not exposed to extreme temperature changes. In warm and temperate climates, the unit can be left unplugged for short periods. In cold conditions, the unit should be unplugged only briefly and the lid kept closed as much as possible. In sunny weather, care should be taken to avoid overheating, especially if left in the car in direct sunlight. Keep your Carricell in the shade and never leave the cells in direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed 34 °C.
The foam tray can be removed and placed in a larger incubator overnight. Because queens are kept in separate foam compartments, there is no risk of newly emerging queens destroying other queens.
Check the temperature and make sure it does not exceed 34 degrees Celsius. Adding relative humidity is not necessary for short-term incubation in 10-day pens, but if you wish you can spray a little water or put a small damp cloth or cloth. Therefore, a damp cloth can be placed in the incubator on top of the queen cells to maintain higher humidity levels.
The queen cells are fragile and must be handled with care at all times. Avoid jerking or bouncing your Carricell.
The Carricell portable incubator is ideal for transporting queen cells from 6 to 10 days. Strong yet lightweight and easy to use. It works at 12 volts. Available in three models with different capacity for 40, 70 or 144 queen cells in a protective foam tray.