- -€3.00
- Made in 🇫🇷
- Complete beehive
- Beehive Accessories
- Hardware for beehives
- Paint and oils for beehives
- Beehive frames
- Hive Insulation
- Beehive markers
- Apiary monitoring and security
- Transport of beehives and drums
Bee equipment
For the apiary
- Swarm Attractant Lures
- Excluders and screens
- Bee Escapes
- Bee signs
For the beekeeper
- Smokers
- Smoker Fuel & Accessories
- Bee Brushes
- Hive tools and frame grips
- Bee Blowers
- Queen rearing
- Queen Marking
- Shipping and introduction of queens
- Insemination instruments
- Queen Cell Incubators
For the apiary
Pure beeswax
- Beeswax and foundation
- Melting and rolling beewax
Beeswax candles
- Candle moulds
- Candle making supplies
Pure beeswax
Bee feed
- Prepared feeds
- Accessories and source materials
- Utensils
Bee health
- Varroa Treatments
Diseases control
- Complementary fight against varroa
- Moth control
- Fight against the wasp
- Chalk brood Aids
- Bee colony health
Health & disinfection
- Cleansers and Maintenance
- Cleansers and Maintenance Accesories
- Diagnosis of diseases
- Sublimators and vaporizers
Extraction and bottling
Before extraction
- Uncapping tools
- Uncapping machines
- Cappings Handling
- Tools for Honeycomb Production
Honey extraction
- Honey Extractors
- Tangential Extractors
- Reversible Extractors
- Radial Honey Extractors
- Honey Extracting Lines
- Accessories for extractors
- Manual Honey Extractors
- Electric Honey Extractors
- Honey Gravity Clarifiers
- Honey Strainers
- Honey gates, hose and fitting
- After extraction
Before extraction
Bee pollen
- Pollen traps
- Bee Bread Extraction
- Pollen dryers
- Pollen cleaners
Honey packaging
- Flasks per utility
- Flasks by size
Other packaging
- Plastic packaging
- Jelly or propolis jars
- Caps and closures
- Packaging
- Decoration
- Labellers
- Nutrition
- Beekeeping books
- Online courses
- Educational
- Bees and queens
- Apitherapy
- Cosmetics
- Gifts and others
- Artisanal Soap Making
Cupularve NICOT® Cell grid only
Cupularve NICOT Cell grid from NICOT France, made of food grade plastic, allows you to make your own queens without grafting or touching larvae. The queen lays eggs directly in the artificial cell cup. It is the most popular system for queen rearing from 1985. This system allows you to raise up to 110 queens at one time. Allows the rearing from larvas aged of 6 to 24 hours.
Detalles de Cupularve NICOT® Cell grid only
- Cut in a comb with brood, in the middle of the frame, a rectangle with the same dimensions than the Cupularve. Take off the queen excluder and the supporting plate. Put the 110 artificial cellcups CNE3 (not included). Put back the supporting plate (closed with its cap). Fix the Cupularve with 2 woodenscrews in the corresponding holes. Put honey in the cells.
Put it several months in the middle of the brood without queen excluder (if you don't use it, keep it in the brood, the smell of the queen will make more easily the next egg laying).
- Feed the hive 4 days before and during the eggs laying.
- Put back the queen excluder. Introduce the queen (with candy for foreign queens). Close the queen excluder with its cap B1, or with a big honeycandy block for an automatically releasing.
- The extraction of the cellcup containing the Larva aged of 6 to 24 hours is easier with CNE2 (90% of acceptation).
If conditions of rearing are optimised (Season, Population, Temperature, Race, feeding, Cupularve right in the middle of the brood…), the eggs laying of the queen occures within 24 hours. Check that the beepassing is enough for the bees : minimum 8 mm.
You can also put the Cupularve in the wax (maximum 65°C). The disformation temperature starts at 75°C.
You can release the queen automatically after 24 hours with a big honeycandy block situed in the candy reserve.
The 110 artificial cellcups CNE3 must always be put on the Cupularve to avoid brace comb.
DC Nicot (91.03KB)
- Online only
- -€250.00