Ultra Bee is a powdered food for bees. Best worldwide. It is the highest quality feed material on the market and with the best acceptance. Served in 40lb bags (18kg approx).
Ultra Bee is a fully plant-based pollen substitute, expertly formulated to supplement nutritional deficiencies during crucial periods of colony development. With a balanced amino acid profile and 56% vegetable protein content, it ensures optimal nutrient assimilation, improving the overall health and vitality of your bees. Free from animal products such as eggs, dried blood, or dairy derivatives, Ultra Bee respects the natural vegetarian diet of your colonies.
Its finely micronized particles ensure rapid and efficient consumption by bees, eliminating waste and preventing residue buildup at hive entrances, thereby reducing pest risks. Even if you observe bees bringing abundant pollen, remember that not all pollen sources provide complete nutrition; Ultra Bee fills these nutritional gaps, ensuring robust brood rearing and actively stimulating queen laying.
When to Feed Ultra Bee?
Use Ultra Bee whenever your colonies require additional nutritional support: spring buildup, after splits, post-varroa treatments, following disease recovery, or to strengthen colonies before winter. For optimal results, follow the "6-week rule" (two complete brood cycles), ensuring vigorous and sustained colony development.
How to Feed Ultra Bee?
Ultra Bee can be administered in two primary ways:
• Protein Patties (Recommended): This is the most effective method for rapidly stimulating brood production, as patties are placed directly over the central brood frames for immediate nurse bee access. Prepare patties by mixing 6.8 kg Ultra Bee powder with 6.5 liters glucose/fructose syrup and 5.4 kg powdered sugar or fructose, achieving a firm, moldable consistency. Form patties weighing between 450g to 1kg on wax paper, cover with another sheet, make a few slits, and position directly above brood frames.
• Dry Powder: Place Ultra Bee powder in external feeders sheltered from wind and rain. This method works best in warmer weather, allowing bees frequent foraging opportunities, but it is generally less efficient than protein patties in boosting rapid colony growth.
Ultra Bee maintains excellent nutritional stability for up to four years when stored in a cool, dry, sealed location. It's your practical, reliable solution for robust colonies throughout the year.
Specific References
UltraBee is, without a doubt, the best protein on the market. And it’s not just my opinion, the hives prove it. It’s the only protein capable of producing drones even out of season. That says it all.
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