12 frames Layens beehive. Made of pine wood and treated with a paraffin bath. It includes all its frames, cover fully lined with sheet metal with side hinge and corner pieces.
https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/en/layens-beehives/layens-beehive-dominguez-12f.html157112F Layens beehive Dominguez®<p>12 frames Layens beehive. Made of pine wood and treated with a paraffin bath. It includes all its frames, cover fully lined with sheet metal with side hinge and corner pieces.</p>
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</div>https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/3876-home_default/layens-beehive-dominguez-12f.jpg57.95instock57.9547.892600/Layens Beehives/Wooden Beehives
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12 frames Layens beehive. Made of pine wood and treated with a paraffin bath. It includes all its frames, cover fully lined with sheet metal with side hinge and corner pieces.