Wooden honey tipper. A little helper you don‘t want to miss when emptying your honey tanks and buckets. Easy to adjust with the roller underneath and the recessed grip.
https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/en/honey-tanks/wooden-honey-tipper.html1241Wooden honey tipper<p>Wooden honey tipper. A little helper you don‘t want to miss when emptying your honey tanks and buckets. Easy to adjust with the roller underneath and the recessed grip.</p>https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/3717-home_default/wooden-honey-tipper.jpg57.5instockCarl Fritz57.547.520700/Honey tanks
Wooden honey tipper. A little helper you don‘t want to miss when emptying your honey tanks and buckets. Easy to adjust with the roller underneath and the recessed grip.