Fight against the wasp

Specialized products to control Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) and effectively protect your hives, especially during critical seasons.

Protect Your Bees from Wasps with Effective Solutions

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Asian wasp lure 1L Fight against the wasp

Asian wasp lure 1L

Price 39 .9
Velutina Wasp Selective Trap Beevital® Fight against the wasp

Velutina Wasp Selective Trap Beevital®

Price 42 .95
Bottle-Adaptable Wasp and Hornet Trap Fight against the wasp

Bottle-Adaptable Wasp and Hornet Trap

Price 0 .95
Insect/Wasp trap Fight against the wasp

Insect/Wasp trap

Price 4 .75
Wasp trap Vetopharma® Fight against the wasp

Wasp trap Vetopharma®

Price 4 .95
Asian was lure single dose 10ml Fight against the wasp

Asian was lure single dose 10ml

Price 1 €
Avispa'clac hornet lure 500ml Fight against the wasp

Avispa'clac hornet lure 500ml

Price 12 .9
Asian Hornet protective suit PRO Fight against the wasp

Asian Hornet protective suit PRO

Price 369 .95
Avispaclac Spray 600ml Fight against the wasp

Avispaclac Spray 600ml

Price 14 .5
Stop it Wasp protection Fight against the wasp

Stop it Wasp protection

Price 16 .5
Kit against asian wasps with battery Fight against the wasp

Kit against asian wasps with battery

Price 160 €
Stainless harp for asian wasp Tartago® Fight against the wasp

Stainless harp for asian wasp Tartago®

Price 115 €
Pollen trap and Wasp shield Quarti® Pollen traps

Pollen trap and Wasp shield Quarti®

Price 24 .9
Electronics with solar panel for harps 10w Fight against the wasp

Electronics with solar panel for harps 10w

Price 145 €
Plastic tray for harp Fight against the wasp

Plastic tray for harp

Price 12 .5
Dry Insect Repeller for Asian wasps Fight against the wasp

Dry Insect Repeller for Asian wasps

Price 159 €
Fight against the wasp and Asian hornets

Fight against the wasp

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) poses a significant threat to honeybee colonies, especially during late summer and autumn, due to intense predation pressure. Choosing the right methods and tools is essential to effectively manage this invasive species and protect your apiary.

In this category, you’ll find various control methods with practical guidance:

Entrance Reducers and Excluders: Recommended only for weaker colonies lacking sufficient guard bees. Regular inspections are crucial, as prolonged use can result in poor ventilation, accumulation of dead bees, or inability to expel drones.

Protective Screens ("Bozales"): Should be placed well ahead of peak hornet activity, at least 25 cm from hive entrances to reduce bee stress. These screens allow proper airflow and facilitate removal of dead bees and drones.

Electric Harps: Highly effective at reducing immediate hornet pressure around hives during peak seasons (summer and autumn). Though not eliminating the hornet entirely, harps significantly decrease bee stress and enable safer foraging. Be aware that these devices may inadvertently capture beneficial insects or small birds, so careful placement and regular checks are advised.

Selective Traps with Specific Attractants: Crucial for capturing founding queens in spring, workers throughout the summer, and future queens in autumn. To minimize impact on beneficial insects, traps should be frequently monitored, used only in confirmed hornet-infested areas, and promptly removed once the trapping period ends.

By strategically combining these methods and following our practical recommendations, you can effectively manage Asian hornet populations, significantly reducing their impact and ensuring the survival and productivity of your bee colonies.