Excluder grille with two entrances and perimeter frame. Compatible with Langstroth hives. Measures 52.3 x 42.15 x 1 cm.
It is used like all queen excluders placed between the brood box and the super. It has two gates, they open and close at the beekeeper's will. The perimeter frame also allows it to be used as a double queen excluder by placing another excluder on top.
The interior partitions offer different management possibilities and uses of vertical dividers to enclose the queen, even within a box for:
· Treat against Varroa in a controlled breeding environment.
· Limit breeding before flowering.
· Multiply colonies.
· Combine with an excluder grid on top to make it a double excluder. So, being able to work with two queens at the same time in the hive; one up and one down.
· Combine it with an excluder grid for multiplication: In this case you can do the same as with the vertical divider, but you have to place the excluder inlets facing the opposite side of the brood chamber doors.
Measurements: 52.3 x 42.15 x 1 cm.
Excluder grille with two entrances and perimeter frame. Compatible with Langstroth hives. Measures 52.3 x 42.15 x 1 cm.