Galvanized metal queen excluder. Available in standard sizes of 410x510mm for Langstroth and Dadant hives. It is either a sheet of perforated that is placed between the brood and super spaces to prevent the queen, but not the worker bees, from moving up in the hive.
This is a perforated galvanized metal sheet that is placed between the brood body and the supers to prevent the queen moving up in the hive, allowing the workers to pass through. The separation of the openings is 4,14mm, so that the workers have free access, but without the queen or the drones being able to pass.
Galvanized metal queen excluder. Available in standard sizes of 410x510mm for Langstroth and Dadant hives. It is either a sheet of perforated that is placed between the brood and super spaces to prevent the queen, but not the worker bees, from moving up in the hive.