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EFB Diagnostic Test Kit
The foulbrood Diagnostic Test Kit enables to test for EFB in honeybee larvae and to obtain the results immediately and easily.
Detalles de EFB Diagnostic Test Kit
Works like a home pregnancy test kit and reacts specifically to antibodies associated with the pathogen Melissococcus plutonius which causes EFB in honeybees.
- Extract a larva showing suspicious symptoms with the spatula. You can sample several larvae if needed, BUT don’t put too much organic material in the sample bottle – it may clog the device. Only tiny samples are needed.
- Unscrew lid from the Extraction Bottle. Use the spatula to deposit sample in the bottle. Replace the lid and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds. BEWARE – the bottle contains buffer and sodium azide.
- Remove a Test Device from foil pack. WARNING Do not touch viewing window.
- Unscrew lid of Extraction Bottle and use the supplied pipette to remove a sample from the bottle. For best results remove the sample immediately after shaking to prevent bacteria from settling out of suspension.
- Hold the Test Device horizontally and gently squeeze two drops onto the sample well of the device.
- Keep device horizontal until extract is absorbed (c 30 seconds) and a blue dye appears in the viewing window.
- Wait until the control line appears (labelled C) and read the result (c1-3 minutes).
Note: Whole or part samples can be used, but it is recommended that a whole infected larva be used to obtain the best results.
Reading the results A positive result (two lines show up – both Test and Control, see below) indicates that the target pathogen is present in the test sample, that is that the cell sampled contained infection by European Foulbrood.
A negative result (Control line shows up only, no Test line) indicates that the EFB pathogen has not been detected in the test sample.