Dadant beehive only with the brood box (without super). Full assembled. With 10 Dadant frames. This beehive is made of wooden (22 mm thickness) and painted with a coat of linseed oil. Popular with commercial beekeepers because of its large capacity.
Detalles de Dadant US Beehive (only brood box)
Three bee entrances (two standard bee entrances and one additional for the pollen) US Beehive (only brood box)<p>Dadant beehive only with the brood box (without super). Full assembled. With 10 Dadant frames. This beehive is made of wooden (22 mm thickness) and painted with a coat of linseed oil. Popular with commercial beekeepers because of its large capacity.</p> Beehives/BEEHIVES/Wooden Beehives10182027
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Dadant beehive only with the brood box (without super). Full assembled. With 10 Dadant frames. This beehive is made of wooden (22 mm thickness) and painted with a coat of linseed oil. Popular with commercial beekeepers because of its large capacity.