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New PROVAP EZ Supersonic 220V 500W 4.5 Amp. The OA vaporizer that you can use standing up. System with two capsules that can hold 2 grams of Oxalic Acid.
How to use
It is really easy to use.
Connect the PROVAP to your 220V power source. Wait to reach the temperature, it will take around 2 minutes. Place the stem of the vaporizer in the front beehive entrance. Then take the included capsule and dip it into the OA. After you can introduce it into the machine. In just 20-30 will be finished!
Turn the EZ upside down to release the capsule to move onto the next hive.
After the treatments, disconnect the machine of the power source and clean the vaporizer with a cup of water. Better do it when it is still warm. Turn the vaporizer upside down (tube pointed down) to drain any excess water after the water has flowed through the stem.
New PROVAP EZ Supersonic 220V 500W 4.5 Amp. The OA vaporizer that you can use standing up. System with two capsules that can hold 2 grams of Oxalic Acid.